Monday, September 20, 2010

Moving Exchange 2007 CCR storage group

Scenario: Certain mail store for needs to be moved to another drive. We will move West21 Users current on D: maibox to the G:\Exchdata\West 21 Users path

Steps required:
1.Suspend storage group copy. Can be done from Exchange Management console.
2.Dismount database
3.Move Database to new path (G:\Exchdata\West 21 Users)
4.From Exchange Management Shell run:

[PS] C:\Windows\System32>move-DatabasePath -ConfigurationOnly -Identity 'west
-cms\West21 Users\West21 Mailbox' -EdbFilePath 'G:\ExchData\West21 Users\West21 Mailbox.edb' 

5. Mount new database
6. Resume storage group copy