Friday, October 25, 2013

Netapp Cluster-mode DataONTAP commands

Some useful Netapp cluster mode commands. Tested on a data ontap 8.2 'c-dot' system. Useful when System manager is missing something.

Creates FCP target LIFs. Zoning will be to these virtualized LIF WWPNs.
network interface create -vserver myvserver -lif -myvserver-lif-fc1 -role data -data-protocol fcp -home-node netapp-node01 -home-port 0a

Display FCP target WWPNs:
vserver fcp portname show

Vserver    Interface      WWPN
---------  -------------- -------------------------
myvserver myvserver-lif-fc1 20:02:00:aa:00:00:00:00

Maps a CIFS/NFS share so NFS users get mapped to a specific AD user account and group for share access:
vserver nfs modify -vserver myvserver -default-win-user AD-DOMAIN\account-name -default-win-group AD-DOMAIN\Security-Group-Name

Create an email destination for health alerts from the cluster:
event destination create -name netapp_alerts -mail

Send specific event like lun offline to email address
event route add-destinations -messagename lun.offline -destinations netapp_alerts

Turn on LED on a drive, possible use failed drive ID for tech:
storage disk set-led  -disk 4d.10.1 -action on

Mount namespace when it is unmounted:
volume mount -vserver myvserver -volume vol01_test -junction-path /test

EMC Symmetrix VMAX physical layout

A visualization tool from EMC is called the Symmetrix System viewer and is available on their support site. Here is screenshot showing a 4 engine, 4 drive bay VMAX 40k configuration:

Symmetrix System Viewer

The system bay is where the front end connectivity to the SAN fabric will be made by customers, it is the middle cabinet in the picture above. Fibre connections will be made to the Symmetrix front-end modules(FAs) on the engine as required. Below is a picture of the engine with FC front-end ports and their labels of E0 to H1 per director. For the purposes of redundancy and best practices, it is best to not make FA connections to the same director per host.

So for example to make an FA fibre connection to 7H0 in the Symmetrix system bay you would find Engine 4 and on the odd director (7) it would port H0 on the right side.

For engine to director mappings and install order of the engine refer to the list of the System bay below:

VMAX Directors in Engine Layout and Order of installation

 Directors 15 & 16 in Engine 8 - 8th 
 Directors 13 & 14 in Engine 7 - 6th 
 Directors 11 & 12 in Engine 6 - 4th 
 Directors  9 & 10 in Engine 5 - 2nd 
Directors  7 & 8 in Engine 4 - 1st  
 Directors  5 & 6 in Engine 3 - 3rd  
 Directors  3 & 4 in Engine 2 - 5th  
  Directors  1 & 2 in Engine 1 - 7th   

Finally below is a system layout with 8 Engines, 4 directly connected and 6 daisy chained storage bays. Generally storage bays and disk are installed by EMC support.

EMC VMAX 8-Engine system

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Netapp locked or busy snapshots. 'Busy because of LUN clone'

Netapp are locked/busy snapshots due to LUN clone, initiator mappings. Netapp on ONTAP 8.x, using FCP initiators.

>snap list

  %/used       %/total  date          name
----------  ----------  ------------  --------
 27% (27%)   14% (14%)  Jan 1 08:15  {360e0a4e-c746-43b4-2eb0b56a2} (busy,LUNs)

netapp90> snap delete Data05 {360e0a4e-c746-43b4-2eb099eb56a2}
Snapshot {360e0a4e-c746-43b4-2eb099eb56a2} is busy because of LUN clone

-At this point verify no mappings to initiators, if there are mappings remove them

netapp90> Sat Jan 1 08:29:50 [netapp90:]: LUN /vol/Data05/{0854e947-10d3-4ab5-86d511f3d741}.rws unmapped from initiator group viaRPC.51:00:01:24:4f:01:ae:2e
Jan  1 08:29:50 [netapp90:]: LUN /vol/Data05/{0854e947-10d3-4ab5-86d511f3d741}.rws unmapped from initiator group viaRPC.51:00:01:24:4f:01:ae:2e
Jan  1 08:29:50 [netapp90: lun.destroy:info]: LUN /vol/Data05/{0854e947-10d3-4ab5-86d511f3d741}.rws destroyed

netapp90> snap list Data05
Volume Data05

  %/used       %/total  date          name
----------  ----------  ------------  --------
 27% (27%)   14% (14%)  Jan 1 08:15  {360e0a4e-c746-43b4-2eb099eb56a2}

netapp90> snap delete Data05 {360e0a4e-c746-43b4-2eb099eb56a2}
Jan  1 08:30:48 [netapp90: wafl.snap.delete:info]: Snapshot copy {360e0a4e-c746-43b4-2eb099eb56a2} on volume Data05 NetApp was deleted by the Data ONTAP function snapcmd_delete. The unique ID for this Snapshot copy is (35, 289451).

Commvault SnapBackup/ Netapp SnapProtect Configuration

Commvault's description:

"Simpana 8 - SnapBackup
New SnapBackup feature integrates seamlessly with hardware-based snapshot technologies to create persistent application and data consistent recovery copies directly from snapshots, bypassing the production server and virtually eliminating the need for an operational backup window. Simpana software removes the configuration and management complexity normally associated with snapshot management, creates a unified policy management framework for multiple pre-certified storage vendors including EMC and NetApp and offers point and click recovery points from any storage tier (online, nearline, offline)..........."

-For the actual commvault configuration so that it can manage the netapp array(s) and snapshots, commvault will have to be setup to talk to Netapp DFM host IP, and netapp credentials will be needed as per the screenshot below from the commvault management console:

-From there you can snap a host's lun (srv204) and restore the netapp lun snapshot to another host(srv4) [Following is the netapp output]:

netapp32> Jan 1 16:06:56 [netapp32:]: LUN /vol/srv204/MP_srv4_132408814_srv4 was mapped to initiator group cv_srv4_132_FC=2
Jan 1 16:07:24 [netapp32:]: LUN /vol/srv204/MP_srv4_132408814_srv4 unmapped from initiator group cv_srv4_132_FC
Jan 1 16:07:24 [netapp32: lun.destroy:info]: LUN /vol/srv204/MP_srv4_132408814_srv4 destroyed

Upgrading Brocade FOS and adding new Brocade FC switch

Steps to adding a new brocade(B-series) switch to an existing fabric. The new switch in will be an edge/subordinate switch in a core-edge topology.

  • Brocade firmware version on new switch should be upgraded/downgraded as required by fabric/interop
Downgrade/Upgrade step if required:
swd21:admin> firmwaredownload
Server Name or IP Address:
User Name: anonymous
File Name: /v622b
Network Protocol(1-auto-select, 2-FTP, 3-SCP) [1]: 2
Server IP:, Protocol IPv4
Checking system settings for firmwaredownload...
System settings check passed.

You can run firmwaredownloadstatus to get the status
of this command.

This command will cause a warm/non-disruptive boot on the switch,
but will require that existing telnet, secure telnet or SSH sessions
be restarted.

Do you want to continue [Y]: y
Firmware is being downloaded to the switch. This step may take up to 30 minutes.
Preparing for firmwaredownload...
Start to install packages...
dir                         ##################################################
ldconfig                    ##################################################
 -------------------------output cut---------------------------------------
[5]: Jan 1 17:44:34 2012
Firmwaredownload command has completed successfully. Use firmwareshow to verify the firmware versions.

swd21:admin> firmwareshow
Appl     Primary/Secondary Versions
FOS      v6.2.2b
  • Setup 'switchname', snmp as required.
  • Check date. set ntp server with 'tsclockserver set timezone' & 'tstimezone --interactive'
  • Disable switch and set Domain ID (DID must unique)
  • Check/clear config : cfgshow
  • sw21:admin> cfgclear
    The Clear All action will clear all Aliases, Zones, FA Zones
    and configurations in the Defined configuration.
    cfgSave may be run to close the transaction or cfgTransAbort
    may be run to cancel the transaction.
    Do you really want to clear all configurations?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes 
  • Now enable switch with 'switchenable'
    Connecting new switch:
  • You can connect the new switch via an ISL to the Core switch. ISL should be created similar SNMP message. You can also confirm via 'islsow' on both switches.
Info    Fabric Event    ISL [ Domain 21 (16) Port 16 (10) - Domain10 (a) Port29 (1c) ] Created    Jan 1 19:41:35 2012   
  •  Clear port counters/errors on ISL and monitor.